For the Happy Driver and Back on Track courses, you can book a fifty-minute online psychological consultation with me, which costs 30000 HUF on top of the course price.t ITT tto book.
Take the Happy Driver course if you already have a driving licence but don't use it or are afraid to drive. This is the course for you if you don't know the cause of your fear, or if you have a negative family pattern, neurodivergence, ADHD, a bad experience, a rude instructor, self-doubt, anxiety, but have NOT been in an accident.
The Back on Track course will help you if you have been in or caused a car accident and want to get back behind the wheel. Take this course even if your accident happened a long time ago and you don't think it might be the cause of your driving anxiety
As everyone works at a different pace, there is no set time for completion, but I can give you an approximate time. The Jogsim will be the shortest, you can start up to a week before your practical exam. Happy Driver is usually mastered to the maximum in 6 weeks, and the most complex Back on Track usually takes 8 weeks.
Yes, living with neurodivergence can indeed make it feel harder to drive without fear. The Happy Driver course is for you!
As the courses are available online and you have instant access to all the material, there is no refund guarantee, as the knowledge is yours. We like working with committed, no excuses, real solution-seekers.
You'll have access to the course for a full year, so it's no problem if life throws you a break.
If one exercise gets you down, go back to the previous one and repeat it for a few days until you have the confidence to move on!
You can book an online psychological consultation with me for the Happy Driver and New on the Track courses, this is not included in the price of the programme and is payable on top of it. You can book HERE.